Wednesday, August 25, 2010

another year's rice (continued)

Back in June, I posted some photos of a rice paddy close to my house that I'd found comfort in during a time of doubt. On Sunday, I found myself in similar doubt, staring at a bag of dirt that I'd picked up at the herb shop. On the small rectangle label, there was only one English word, written in a large, pink font: ORGANIC.

Initially, this word was the reason I'd chosen that particular bag, but now it struck me a little differently. Shouldn't dirt, of all things, just be organic? At what other time in history would dirt have been advertized as organic? I suppose there have been chemicals around for centuries, it's not as recent as I'd like to believe. And, at least now, we're increasing our awareness of the messes we've made.

Anyway, I decided to go back to the little patch of rice and see how things were going. The sun had just dipped behind the small mountain when I arrived, but everything seemed well and as it should be!

Now, I'll just have to go back in October, when the green turns a golden blaze...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Something I re-confirmed to myself, it's really difficult to photograph a dragonfly in flight, with a 300mm lens and no direct light! Here was my best attempt. If I'd thought to use an 800 iso, it would have been better. "][/caption]


  1. Wow, these are so beautiful - including the setting. And it's amazing that you got the dragonfly at all, skittish little critters that they are.

  2. thanks Barry,
    I shot the ones with the buildings just for you! ^^

  3. The third picture from the last one is beautiful. Like a brushstroke!

  4. Thank you.
    And, BTW, I didn't Photoshop any of these... ;)

    That was one of my favorites, too.
    hmm, a blade of rice grass just might make a nice brush stroke itself!

  5. yes Joseph, a blade of grass.....then adding one at a time, even wrapping around a twig. Many possibilities. Lovely, lovely.....
