Monday, June 21, 2010

shadows on the wall

shadows on the wall

via Aloka Lekhana


  1. You got my heart strings twanging with this one, Joseph! Was it from that day up in your room when you took the pictures of Fina with the sunshine streaming through her ears?

    I have such a longing to see all of you now. Jennifer told me the other day that she wishes you'd move back to Halifax--we all do! It's fast becoming a little hub of multi-culturalism. Sara's friend Nic (the one who's a ESL Prof at St. Mary's U.) told me Sat. night that there are all kinds of opportunities for teachers now--far more than five years ago! EunBong could make a very good living teaching dance. The Public Gardens beckon, haha! And keep in mind, as Sara is a testament to, it would be a wholly different experience than it was when you were going to NSCAD and working at the Shoe Shop. Think about it... and get your paperwork initiated just in case.

    By the way, the book you contributed to is done and I'm going by Denise's later today to pick it up (the $100 cheque also). Denise said it's really beautiful and Jocelyne Comeau told me that everyone liked your print the best and the writers all wanted to be the one to pen a poem to accompany your beautiful work. Professeur Jean Wilson drew your name and he was absolutely thrilled! She also told me copies of the book have been distributed to arts and cultural organizations, including the National Archives in Ottawa. (It even has an ISBN barcode!)

    The whole community loves you and your family, Joseph! Hardly a day goes by that someone doesn't enquire about you.

    :~) Dreaming and scheming in Concession,
