Sunday, May 30, 2010

Surette's Island, 1979

My mom emailed me these this morning...


  1. Hi Joseph,
    What did Eunbong think of those photos? :-)
    Actually, looking at the house, it seemed like it was newish, why did it seem so fallen down in the other photo you posted?

  2. EunBong said she'll answer you herself... ^_^

    My dad built the house while my was pregnant with me. We only stayed there for about six months though, wasn't the best scene for my mom...
    Someone lived in the house for a while but he died a few years back, and no one tookcare of the house after that. I brought EunBong to see it while we were home and my dad's old friend, whose land the house has been on said they're going to tear it down soon. I'll be a little sorry it won't be there to visit anymore. It's almost like pilgrimage into our family history... ^_^

  3. That's a shame. But that does explain it. My parents once bought a house from a lady who stayed in it until almost the end of her life. It turned out that after her husband died, she didn't like people coming in and working. So basic problems got left unfixed for years. If they'd bought the house two years later, it would have been unfixable. It was just one "discovery" after another.

  4. Hi Joseph,
    Dad actually built the Surette's Island house two years before we got together. He had been living on the site in Big Dave's teepee, but in Feb. 1976 the "Ground Hog Day Storm" hit Nova Scotia and knocked down thousands of trees; splitting them at the base of their trunks as opposed to uprooting them. That made it easier for Dad and his Belgian workhorse, Tony, to haul enough logs out of the woods to build the house and outbuildings. He built the barn and blacksmith shop first. You were conceived there, and we stayed on until you were five months old, at which time we moved up to the farmhouse.

    Part of the reason for the house's premature deterioration was that it had no foundation under it, which rendered it a temporary dwelling. (The symbolic implications haven't escaped my awareness, Joseph.) ;~) There were many things I appreciated about living on the island--our garden flourished until late November and could be planted in April without fear of a killer frost ravaging it. The Tusket River afforded awesome sunsets and great views in any weather; a variety of sea birds, eagles and hawks; and the peace and solitude that comes from living three kms. past the last power pole. I had such deliciously deep sleep there, lulled by the soft swoosh of the river current.

    However, the interpersonal expectations one had to fulfill in order to be accepted as one of the tribe left much to be desired, especially with Dave playing the role of feudal lord, haha! The salt marsh mosquitos exacted their own bloody tribute and pretty well made it unbearable to be outside unless slathered with repellant. All in all, the best thing I can say about all that is that I regretted nothing about living there, or about leaving; and I've made my peace with everyone. Amen... :~)
