Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Children's Day

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="414" caption=""So, I says to Maybel, I says..." (Children's Day, 2007)"][/caption]

I remember in elementary school, probably sometime between Mother's Day and Father's Day, our class would complain to the teacher, "Why isn't there a Children's Day?"

The response I remember is, "Well, everyday is children's day!"

In Korea, today actually is Children's Day, and it's a national holiday!

It's probably the worst day of the year to go to an amusement park,or anything obvious like that, but it's a great day to pack a lunch and go to one of the local parks for the afternoon.

This also our first Children's Day with Fina!


  1. Congradulations Joseph!
    (I don't think it's a coincidence that for Parents' Day, the children have to go to school!)
