Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Photo; Sacred Heart Church, Saulnierville


  1. A 'Sunday Photo' feature on 'Somewhere in Dhamma' too! Wonderful! And what a great start too! I mean, that's a really great shot. (And I love seeing pictures of Bodhisattva Jesus, I just love his example of selflessness and generosity, and his persoanl intimate relationships with others and with his foundation and source). Thank you.

  2. Hi Marcus,
    I've been posting them for a few weeks now, you were probably distracted by the WUAL ones... haha!

    This is one of the many churches in my hometown. I'd never been inside, though, until I went back last year. There was a really amazing feeling inside. I was surprised I'd never stepped in!

  3. Wow! A bit of a blast from the past! Spent almost every Sunday there as a child, whether I liked it or not. Thanks for reminding me of my long standing spirit. It has had many shapes.
